Friday, August 12, 2011

Stretches to make me for flexible(split, bow and arrow, heel stretch, scorpion,scale etc:)?

I also would like to know how to get better/higher jumps, how to gain muscle, and what cheer coaches look for in a flyer. thanks!

What evidence is needed to have someone arrested 4 illegally intercepted communication in Cook Cnty Illinois?

Take the phone to a dealer that supports your phone and explain the problem. I would think that the cell phone co. would be the ones that have to take action. You cell phone provider should be able to tell you what steps to take.

How to get someone evicted when the property manager isn't doing nothing.? plz help...!!?

people been complaining about them for a couple years now....and nothing is being done.... and i got evicted so easy before in life ... like wtf... I live in Toronto...

My new landlord said we need to pay for out mail keys?

Something is wrong with that picture. Your landlord needs to pay the $35 and she should have deducted that amount from the last tenants deposit. I am sure the law states that she is required to give you a key to all locks on the property. You could go ahead and pay for it yourself and then deduct it from your rent, just make sure to get a receipt to include with your money.

Looking for best electric drill?

I agree with Christon, DeWalt makes a great line of drills at reasonable prices. You can pay more but that doesn't equate to any higher quality. If you can't afford a DeWalt drill then I suggest Craftsman as a next-best option. I have a Craftsman drill that I've used pretty hard for over 20 years and it is still going strong. I took it apart to clean and lube it just once over the years.

Why is he acting really strange around me again?

Hi, so i was friends with this boy at one point when i was in lower school. he came all the way from somewhere in london ( i'm in the UK) and came to my school and my class in our last year of that school. he started to settle into our school and shortly after we became friends. we became quite close and were very much alike as one another. he became friends with my other friends and we hanged out together whenever we had the chance. he wasn't like any other of my guy friends and was a sweet, honest person overall. he was never mean to anyone and even talked to this boy who most people bullied everyday. he had a funny accent and we used to tease him about it and do impressions of him and all that sort of stuff. i was really upset of my best ever guy friend moving to essex after 6 years of friendship, and he cheered me up whenever he saw me. he was quite shy and i was too in fact, that was what made us so alike. after a couple of months we were stronger than ever and i started to have feelings for him. when we finished our years at lower school we didn't talk to each other in the summer holidays. i didn't have his phone number or anything because he was always in rugby practise and was never inside of the house at all. i was really exited to start high school and still had feelings for him, and missed him very much. when we started high school, everything was practically the same and we still were best friends. we were always lab partners and joked around a lot in our classes together. after a while though things were very different. we started to grow apart from each other and made new friends and all that. i never wanted to grow apart, but it just happened for some reason. after a couple of months my feelings for him faded away but i was still depressed though. we hardly talked to one another and we were lucky enough to get a sentence a week of conversation. he started acting weird towards me all of a sudden. when i looked at him in class his eyes darted back and forth or he would just stare after i was finished looking at him. when i tried to make small talk with him he would just look at the floor and then glance up for some reason. he made friends with the popular people too ( most of them were quite mean.) he made friends with this one particular girl who is acting strange too. she flirts with him a lot like she hugs him and ruffles his hair and makes physical contact. i am not jealous or anything, its just that she does it whenever i am nearby. its like she's trying to make me jealous or something, but i don't know why. the weird thing is though that he always looks really uncomfortable when she does it. i know i probably sound like a stalker but i cant help it because she does it right in front of me. when she hugs him, he back away before she can touch him and look at me quickly for some other reason. he always looks angry when she messes his hair up too, i know i should act jealous but i giggle because it looks like she's irritating him. a couple of months ago i was in the field with my friends and my best mate said that there was people staring at us. i looked and it was the populars and my ex best guy friend was looking back and forth at me. his friends were smiling at me and then looking at him. another time was when i was in the hallway and his sister was standing by him and i walked past them and around the corner and she was looking at me strangely. i swear that they said something when i walked past but i don't know what. i was really confused and asked his friends but they said they didn't know either. after a while it stopped and he didn't act awkward around me anymore. but just a couple of weeks ago it started to happen again. i have been off school for a little while because of medical problems and stuff. he does the eyes darting thing again and when he tells jokes to all the class he looks at me about 4 times but i still don't know why. he is acting really weird again and the girl he's friends with still flirts with him and he still looks awkward. i don't know why this is and i am getting annoyed because i don't know whats going on. i haven't done anything wrong and i haven't said anything about him. i am so confused, can you please help me? thank you for reading this, much love xx

I just found out I'm pregnant....?

I already have a 1 year old daughter and I live with my grandmother. I do have a good job but not my own vehicle. I would have my own vehicle and apartment but I have anxiety disorder and I get panic attacks which makes it hard for me to work. I also had to pay tons of money to pay off an apartment that I got evicted from with my babys father. But I'm going trying hard to put my anxiety aside. I'm 21 going to be 22 in August. I share a vehicle with my grandmother. So my question is should I abort the baby, or keep it? I'm an emotional wreck right now...

Landlord refused to let us change the locks then someone broke in using a key....?

In almost every state (maybe all) that clause is unenforceable. You simply change the locks and you must provide a new key to the landlord. Call your city council member's office to find out the laws in your community.

Toro E-cycler cordless mower?

I am thinking of getting the Toro cordless mower and worried about how it cuts thick grass. My yard has thick grass and it has a lot of moisture. I am curious how dose this mower do by it being cordless? Also if not this mower how about the Toro gas mowers like the ones with the pace self propelled systems with either electric start or blade brakes? thank you

Something that is really bothering me? Please help!?

OKAY! , Every since well two years ago i have trying out for sports and things. With friends we would try out for volleyball , track , softball, ex. you name it we tried it. And i have not made a team once. :/ im not done either. I wanted to do cheer leading. This is really something i wanted to do and unlike the rest i tried for i really liked this the best. But i got to tryouts on the wrong day;/. So i could not do that. And i am going to high school next year. I want to do something. you know meet a lot of new people and have an activity. i tried many things i thought i could be good at . And maybe the coaches did not think so. But i need some advice? Maybe im not made for sports but i feel like i can't give up on it just yet. Any ideas? and as for clubs , i think ill try some. oh by the way i am going to a new high school and i am new i know very to little people. ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO QUICKLY MEET NEW PEOPLE? i feel like nothing is out there for me? And it seems to be for everyone else...... thanks oh try to be nice i know i sound dumb.

Where can i buy a landline phone with pin number lock?

I'm after a cordless landline phone with a pin number lock. My son keeps ringing mobiles and sky talk don't do call barring. I don't want to change providers as its costly at the moment. UK please. Thanks!

Are there any organizations or churches that help homeless families?

our car broke down and my husband lost his job because of it. we have a 9 month old daughter and we are being evicted. we live in ohio.

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club last night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

Which game should i buy? PC!?

Just cause 2 is a very very great game that will actually take alot of time to beat. And it has very good graphics and theres infinity of things to do! i definitely recommended!

I am a cheerleader, 5'1 and 104 pounds?

trying to make your leg look too skinny can actually make you look the opposite of what you want it to look to other people. The kind of leg that you want is more of a toned look which looks alot better than it just being skinny. Now you can just get it toned if you keep up with running a little longer and doing a couple leg exercises. Now since you are getting a workout and you are gaining a little more muscle and losing fat. Do not get down if u do not see your weight lower!!! muscle is heavier than fat but muscle is smaller than fat which makes you look better in the end. even though the scale doesnt tell u that u lost weight, the muscle u gained replaces the fat that u lost. in the end your legs would look better with a more toned leg because of the muscle in them is getting a good workout

Problems with our cordless V-Tech phone (constant dial tone)?

2 things to try. First, try puting the #'s first and then push talk. You should hear the dial tone and then the numbers tones real fast and then the dial tone should be gone and the connection made. If you do that and then don't hear the tones go to step 2. Step 2: unplug the base from the electric for a few min. Hang up the hand set and plug the base back in. That should re-set both of them. If that doesn't fix it, something else is wrong and could be either the hand set or the base. One other thing to try is to take the battery out of the hand set (just un-plug for a min or so) then re-connect and try again.

I run a motel where tenants pay weekly.How much notice do I have to give to evict in Fl.?

One week. When they pay next just tell them this is their last week. Be sure to note this on their receipt for the rent.

Cordless headphones some advice please?

I was wondering if you wear the head phones for a few hours is this safe because the signal is transmitted by radio waves. Because I was thinking about buying this as a present for somebody?

Do you think I'm wasting my time with him?

even tho the both of you are not teens its a teenage relationship tell him wat you want or need and if he dis-agrees or continues to act the way he does then you might want to think about things. ask your friends about him.get one of your friends/kids to spy on him around other girls GOOD LUCK

Does anybody know any good clubbing holiday songs?

Me and my friends are off to Malia on friday and I want some good songs to get us in the mood before we go out - preferably none of the of the crappy hamster sounding trance songs. Anybody know any? Cheers

What is the cost to legally evict tenant who is not paying rentals in Malaysia?

I have a problem with a tenant not paying rents for 3 months. He is giving a lot of excuses. I tried to talk him into moving out of the house but he refused. What can I do?

What's the perfect gift for my future mother in law?

Write her a letter on a card or something telling how you truly feel about your fiance and how you love her as his mother. Give her a nice piece of jewelry like a pin for her dress or shirt or something really nice but for her age.

How to remove the battery from a Master Mechanic 18v cordless drill?

I do not have a manual (and can't locate one online). It's not obvious how to remove the battery. I press on the buttons on both side but can't slide it off. Any thoughts?

Should I try and form this band?

go for it!!! i was in a band that wasn't planning on doing anything big and just wanted o mess about and it was a real laugh and was really fun :)

Question about breaking apartment lease?

My husband lost his job a little over 2 months ago, due to this we couldn't afford our town house monthly rent. We had to break our lease with the apartment complex. We had 3 months left on our 1 year lease. We advised the property manager that we were unable to make rent for the month of June at the end of May. We advise if of our move out date, she stated that we were phenomenal tenants and she hated to see us go but she understood the reasoning and she would forfeit our security for the last months rent. On moving day, she came to our home. She stated that because of protocol, she had to file an eviction notice with the court. They only give you a ten day grace period before they file an eviction on you. She also stated that the court date was the 22nd and if we could pay her half the rent she would dismiss the eviction. Since we already forfeited our security deposit and paid for last months rent when we moved in, we didn't see any reason to pay again. When we told her that she stated that because we have children, it could be considered child neglect if we get "evicted." I told her that our children were in Florida with their grandparents for the summer and that when they returned they would have a place to live. She left at that point. When my husband turned in the keys, she once again asked for the money and a forwarding address. We didn't give her any money but gave her a forwarding address which was our PO box. She told him that she needed a physical address to serve papers to and if he didn't give that to her she would be forced to serve myself at work. So to avoid the embarrassment of that we should pay her half the rent to dismiss the eviction notice. I understand protocol but it seems as if she is using scare tactics to get more $$$ from us. We have already left, wouldn't the judge dismiss the eviction notice based on that? I know we are on the hook for breaking our lease but she told us we would work out an arrangement on that. Any help would be great. I live in NC by the way.

An elderly lady I was helping out gave me a gift of money 3 yrs ago. We had been friends for a year prior.?

Me and my husband and family have been helping her out for about a year when she gave the gift. This has continued for about 3 yrs after the gift. I do all of her shopping. Take her to her appts. Set up her pills for her in a weekly pill box. Also we have bought her a microwave, stainless steel toaster, desk phone with 3 cordless extension phones so she could have aphone in every room. I also purchased her cell phone and paid for the service for one year. My husband installed new kitchen faucet, bath faucet and shower head. He paid for these himself. Recently we had a falling out with this lady. She had become more demanding of our time and I started taking a step back and decided that I couldnt take care of her anymore. I also work full time and have 4 children. I told her that I needed to scale back on some responsibilities because it was overwhelming. She was very mad and we stopped talking 2 months ago. Recently a police detective contacted me and said that this elderly woman claimed I had coerced her to give me the money 3 yrs ago. This was a completed lie. She is just hurt and wants the money back after everything I had done for her. Im worried because I dont want to be prosecuted for taking advantage of the elderly as this deteective insinuated. What should I do. Bye the way ..the gift was 14,000. I was completely surprised when she gave it to us and she insisted that it would help her out with her taxes and she gave it to us the last week in december 3 yrs ago. What should I do?

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!petition to evict a neighbor?

there is my next door neighbor is nothing but trouble and trashing my yard writing on my shed and wrote *****,cut a pop can in half and put it in my kids toys,flipping little kids off,saying to my 6 year old he is a women beater,they took a knife after a 8 year old boy the mother press charges but the landlord didn't kick the people out that are trouble and we live in a family site where there are alot of little kids,harassing all of the little kids that live in the area they called a little girl a *****.egging my porch,knocking on my door an running but was caught doing it.i don't know what to do will a petition seeking eviction help if neighbors sign it??????? I LIVE IN A GOVERNMENT HOUSING

I love my Gf but she won't leave!!!?

Me and her have a kid together, and over the past couple of months dating back to 5 months after the birth of our child, she went on a cheating rampage, and time after time i forgave her for the sake of our daughter, but she steadily cheated even though i have a 8in package and 4 hour stamina, will kiss her from her face to her toes, still cheated so, i evicted her *** from the apartment and now she won't leave, HER MOM AND DAD LIVE IN A MANSION BASICALLY, but won't go stay with them, because she's claiming that she's not excepted over there, even though she brags about being spoiled by them, so what can i do, because she's also threatening to take my daughter away and i'll never get to see her again until she receives a papers and a court date from the judge, what the hell is that!!! Let me know what you think? As far as what i can do...

Should I press charges?

My husband was arrested for domestic violence against me, he has a stay away order and cannot come back home and I don't want him too. My problem is that he was the one who paid the rent and after what he did I am left alone to pay all the bills, which I won't be able to, I received some pamphlets at home about filing for relocation. I have an appointment to see someone and I can get up to 1500 to move. I was subpoena to go to court tomorrow to either press charges or not. I am already being evicted from the apt I live now, because he did not pay June's rent like he was supposed to. I am afraid that if I don't press charges I won't qualify for this help that is my life line right now. I am wondering what can happen if I press charges, he was arrested on 06/14 and his hearing is on 07/06, he has been in jail since. Thank you.

Do HOUSE phones give off radiation?

do house phones (cordless) give off any radiation at all, and if they do how much radiation is comeing from cordless house phone then??, can it hurt you??

How to deal with an evil stepmom?

You've got a tough situation here. To begin with, you dad will believe whatever he wants to believe (we're all that way, incidentally). He will have to see for himself what the situation is with his new wife. I would bet he already has suspicions. He probably still misses your mother and wants to have someone around who makes him feel better. I doubt that Miranda is really making him feel better. So try to have a talk with your father. Point out that you need his support and help in your life. That he is and always will be your father. That you anticipate someday he will walk you down the aisle when you're ready to get married. Ask him if the two of you can go on a trip together, just the two of you, without anyone else. If he says he would want to bring Miranda then point out that if he does you would want to bring your boyfriend...but the real point of the trip is for you and dad to be together. If he agrees, then do your best to support him and work with him to have a nice time. Don't talk about Miranda unless he brings her up. He has to know, incidentally, that she and you are having troubles. I would be surprised if Miranda hasn't been talking to your dad about you, giving her opinions and so forth. Also, spend time asking your dad his opinions on your own life issues, questions about your boyfriends, your school subjects. Ask your dad questions you might like to ask your mother. The idea is to let your dad know that you trust him and love him and that he has a very important role in your life. Your dad will appreciate these overtures and hopefully, respond. Work on building a stronger relationship with your father and simply ignore, as well as you are able, Miranda. Sooner or later your Dad will wake up and make the right decision. He sounds pretty smart and he certainly has a smart daughter.

Problem with uniden dect 6.0 wifi?

Hi, I am using UNIDEN dect 6.0 cordless. My problem is, when I am talking with someone on this cordless i am hearing background wifi radio voice. Its making me lots of disturbance. Can anyone please let me know how to disable wifi option on UNIDEN dect 6.0.

What song or candy cheers you up?haha?

if your lonely ,sad, angry, down...what song cheers you up?and does candy?for me its "Wouldnt it be nice?" by the beach boys and "love shack." and i eat pixie styx. :) how bout u?

Women aged between 50 and 60?

I read the testimonial, but saw no question, except how to approach. I would suppose try to be good friends first-and genuine also. We can read men like a book by this stage in our lives, so if you have ulterior motives, you'd better lay it all on the table. If you can do that and not be too forward (anxious) then you might develop a good relationship.

Can a landlord turn off electricity if rent wasn't paid?

Bottom line here is she should focus her energy on getting into a place she can afford and not ruin her credit by staying where she is.

Can my landlord evict me?

They can evict you if you dont pay your rent, furthermore they can evict for no reason. Withholding the rent by law is not a solution to your problem. you can sue them for the health issue. but you cant withhold the rent.

What sun cream factor should I use and how likely am I to burn?

I'm from England but I have Turkish heritage and have been told by everyone that I have 'Turkish skin' because I didn't tend to burn much when I was younger and only had to use a low factor sun cream. I'm not so sure now as I haven't been on holiday for years. I'm going to Greece with my friends and was wondering how likely I am to tan/burn (if anybody knows about the skin of people in this geographical area?) Cheers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Internet disconnects when the phone rings please help!?

I am using cordless phones but the phones are filtered and were working fine a while ago, they started acting up when my mums friend too the phone out and put another one in to test it, I had thought she hadnt put it back in properly but this was not the case. Any suggestions?

Ants nesting in phone?

sounds like odorous house ants, smash one and they will have an odor...they are like little nomads that move from one spot to another, they don't nest in dirt for the most part, but do like wetness. The colony can be a few dozen or tens of thousands.

What can I do about nuisance neighbors?

I live in a double and the neighbors upstairs are constantly fighting to the point where the cops are called. The woman has been "evicted" from the apartment (she isn't actually on the lease) by the police 3 times in the last 2 months, the locks have been changed several times, there is lots of yelling when she's here, stomping around, slamming doors and loud music. Within a couple weeks, the man up there will then drop the charges and have her move back in. The old tenant moved out because of this and we did not know until after we signed the lease. If anyone has any serious advice on what to do, I don't want the landlord to think I am a trouble maker if I call and complain, but we signed the lease before we knew any of this and there is no way I can pack up and move again at this point. I've already called him about the loud noise this week. The cops were here with her yesterday to pick up the last of her things, banging on the door, and then today she moved back in. Also, if it helps, I live in NY (not the city).

Inequalities: (Problem Solving). Can anyone help me to solve this problem..please help. Thank you in advance..?

The Blue Company manufactures two types of electric n shavers, one shaver is cordless requires 4hours to make and sells for $40. The other shaver is a cord type takes 2hours to make and sells for $30. The company has only 800 work hours to use in manufacturing each day and the shipping department can pack and ship only 300 shavers per day. How many of these type of shaver should the Blue Company produce per day to maximize its sales revenue?

Does a cordles drill spin at the same speed in both the directions?

hi guys, I wanted to build a bicycle powered by 4 cordless drill machines and was wondering if their rotation speed is the same in both the direction, clockwise as well as anti-clockwise. the drills i plan to use are the Bosch GSB 18v-LI professional. any information will be really appreciated.

Will this cat ever be able to deal with my dogs? Please help!?

Do you have big dogs or small dogs. Are the dogs aggressive to the cat. The cat will get used to the presence of the dogs but may be leery. Always make sure that the cat can jump from one high area to another for her own feeling of safety. Thank you for taking her in. She doesn't need to be in the basement. This is just too confining when she is to be a member of the household. Let her roam around the house with the dogs in another room and slowing introduce each dog. Keep them on a leash during introduction so that the cat feels safe.

My wifes insecurity is driving me crazy!!?

Other than the examples of what you said of the time before you were married, do you know of anything in her past that would make her so insecure? Maybe she was abused by someone and it's affecting her? I think you need to really set her down and talk to her about this and tell her you love her and ask why she's so paraniod. Hope this helps.

What are my chances of a refund?

Less than 12 months ago I purchased a cordless lawnmower from what is probably the UK's largest DIY store. I have just contacted them with regards to purchasing a replacement blade and they inform they don't stock spares for my particular model. I have also been onto the manufacturers website who give a web address and guess what, it's the DIY store i've already contacted. I sent the manufacturer a email and they tell me i may get the replacement from another UK DIY store. One even told me i may get the blade from China (where the machine is made) My query is do you think I have a case for returning the machine under the 12 month guarantee for a refund. It is after all not serviceable merchandise if i cant get parts

Keyboard lagging, 10 points best answer!?

its lagging cause its wireless therefore it takes sometime for the data 2 be sent to the keyboard to the usb, maybe try moving them closer or get a wired keyboard

What is the answer to this math question?

Joan's new cordless telephone has clear reception up to 160ft from its base.Her phone base is located near a window in her apartment, 96 ft above street level.How far into the backyard can Joan use her phone?

How much should I sell my PS2 for?

I'm gonna sell kit as a bundle which includes: 1 cordless controller, 2 cordless controllers, 2 memory cars an the electronics board for a third and all you hav to do 2 use that one is put it in the case that one of the other ones uses, GTA3 with fold out map, Midnight club Dub edition remix, Ace combat 4, Freakstyle, SSX3, Burnout, Lego StarWar the original trilogy, Tony Hawk's Underground 2, Tony Hawk: American Wasteland, Pinball arcade,

Can i make my own power tool charger for a obsolete cordless drill?

If the charger is not readily available, the option is only to make one. Most old drills had 12V NiCd type batteries. One easy solution is to take a Mains - 14 or 15 V transformer of 1A, a bridge rectifier and a 1000uF capacitor to generate a basic 12V DC supply. This may be regulated using a 7812 regulator to get good 12V. There are numerous circuits of this type, which you can search for, but this is the basic scheme. Ideally you should have a constant current charger charging at 1/10 the AH rating of the battery, but then the circuit would be complex.For more info on cordless drills

Tied of being single... want to "get" a girl.?

Hey. I'm an overweight 16 year old, and would like to know how to get a girlfriend. Well firstly, how do I know if I should ask someone out, like, do I like them really or are they just pretty? Also, being overweight (Which I'm working on) I doubt any girl will like me. I play guitar, I'm told i'm funny, nice and have a good looking face and nice eyes if that will help me. So how do I meet a girl, how do I know if I like her? If she likes me? Will she ever ask or tell me or do I have to make the first move? Please help :) I know I sound lame, sad and pathetic, but for some reason, I'm one of those guys that always thinks about relationships and such. I'm not interested in getting as many girls as possible or anything, I want to meet that special girl you know? Please help :) Cheers.

I keep seeing 1 on digital electronics 11:11 1:11 10:01 10:11 11:10 11:01 1:01 why?

This phenomenon has been occurring all around the world not to me but to millions, I am asking in this section because I want to know the mathematical significance of these numbers. I am not crazy or anything. I see these times on the Coffey maker the microwave the stove the cable box every computer in my house my cell phone and home cordless phone car stereo ..some say its an inner awakening and some say its just the way your routine is its subconscious recognition. Id just like to know the mathematical importance of these numbers. Or anything you may know about them.

Why does my mouse jump off the page on my computer?

I have a cordless mouse that use to work great but i noticed it getting more erratic jumps around everywhere, and i have to left click it sometimes to find it...i keep the batteries replaced often...i,m thinking maybe a virus if so how do i get rid of it....

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????

My mom and dad are getting divorced please help?

im 13 have a little sister shes turning 7 this year and my oldest brother is 19 hes in college and my other brother is 16 turning 17 in like 3 or 4 days and my dad told my mom that he was going to leave us and stuff so im pretty worried is there apartments that only charge like 300 or so with like 2 rooms and small stuff or something because im worried about that and how much money will he have to pay for child support like 100 for each or what and the rest im not really worried just financial pretty much because my dad always yelled at us at one point he called me a dog and stuff i life in ohio and i was wondering if we get to pick who we get to live with and i looked some stuff up and they said that in ohio the kids usaully get for who they want to stay with so that kinda got me cheered up but im still worried helllppp

How long does a cordless lawn mower usually run before it needs recharging?

A full charge should allow you to mow an entire lawn of average size. The average American lawn is about one-fifth of an acre and many electric lawn mower batteries will hold a charge long enough to mow up to a half acre. Log on

Adive on how to deal with depressed boyfriend? Help!?

I suffer from depression myself, and often tell my boyfriend to leave me alone at times. Sometimes I find it easier to feel happier when I spend some time by myself. All you have to do is tell him you're there for him at any time, and that you'll be there when he's ready to talk. What comforts me the most is knowing my boyfriend will be there.

What is the eviction process during a foreclosure when two disabled persons are involved?

Just curious, we have friends an older couple both disabled, who are currently in foreclosure, they have yet to be evicted and have an attorney working for them, but I want to know if they are evicted how is that handled can't seem to find anything on the web to answer my question.... anyone have any input...they reside in the State of Ohio...are rule different for every state?

I feel my husband is cheating..what to do?

First of all I'd like to say what u all will be thinkin anyway...I am in a very weird and dysfunctional marriage. But I am a very religious person and I don't believe in divorce unless someone has committed adultery. Me and him got evicted and so we don't live together. Me and him fight all the time. He hurts me alot even though he says he doesn't intentionally. But we always talk about our relationship. But lately he has been overly irritated and cruel to me. I just had our son 4 weeks ago and things were fine but now he is acting like he don't care to even be with me. He doesn't even call me at all and I am trapped in the house trying to recover so it would be nice for him to call and it hurts me that he don't so i tried to tell him he really hurts me sometimes even though he don't mean to. Instead of acting like he cares he snapped on me saying that I am selfish and only care about me and repeatedly hanging up on me. I get this feeling he is cheating down in my gut but there is no reason for me to feel this way. Her hurt me so bad and he hung up on me i kept trying to call him and he wouldn't answer so I text him an said it's over and I haven't heard from him since. It ain;t like him he usually tries to work things out. Why is he acting like this? know this was poorly written and even confusing...But why do I have this strong feeling that he is cheating on me!

What do the terms 32-bit and 64-bit operating system mean?

I think you're understanding is basically correct and no, you can't install a 64-bit OS on a 32-bit computer. Luckily pretty much every new computer sold these days (including those with 32-bit operating systems) have 64-bit hardware.

How can I not be so awkward around guys all the time (and stop looking so sad)?

Aww he likes you! You don't have to smile all the time, just try to smile at people more (especially him) when they talk to you. The more you smile the more naturally it comes. When he asks you to run an order out, shoot him a warm smile, and say something like "no problem :D" or "yes I will, and you're welcome! :D" How old are you btw? If you're still in high school, its probably not a good idea to get involved with someone that much older, but if you're an adult, go for it girl! And you know what? I bet you are pretty and just cant see it, most of us women can't see our own beauty. Good luck Hun!

Help with a uniden cordless phone!!!?

I have the uniden 1560 series and i am having some troube with it! Last night i unplugged the phone (not the connection) but the actual phone. after the base was unplugged , my phone said searching. then iplugged it back in and it still said searching. i attempted to re-register it, but it said i had to wait for full charge to do anything else. so i went to bed. in the morning, it was completly off, not even a lit up screen and it wont charge....WTF PLEASE HELP ME!

Have you heard of Cheer Company All-Stars?

There is a gym in Tallahassee, Florida, Cheer Company (CheerCo). It's kinda small, but some people know about it. Have you heard of it?

When Rev Wright gave his "God Damn America" speech did obama stand on the pew cheering "Testify to me pastor!"?

Obama claims he wasn't there that day. However, in the 20 years he sat in that pew, I am sure he knew of Rev. Wright's views on America. He must have agreed with them to sit there and listen that long.

I need help comparing these 2 computer packages.?

Personally i would go for the i5 and getting 16GB of ram is all very well with the second one but you are not going to use any where near that amount of ram would struggle to use 8GB of ram my Desk top has 8GB Ram and uses no were near 8GB and its a gaming Computer

How do I make a 60 x 60 lot on the Sims 3 in town editor?

The reason is because the lot placement choices jumps from 50 x50 to 64 x 64 and that's barely too big for where I'm going to put the lot at No cheats. No mods. Also, I don't want to use a pre-made lot, by the way, this is in Bridgeport. I also need help locating a good place for a 60 x 60, since Bridgeport is crowded and has a lot of unrouteable terrain. I also don't want to evict the Big Bling household.

Poll: How often do you use Wikipedia?

Almost never, my teachers at school tell me not to trust it. But now and then I go on, and write random bits of info, just to see if it shows up...and it always does! I bet lots of others do that also, that's why I never use it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where do i find a GOOD cordless hair straightener/dryer?

i have the mini onyz hair straightener that plugs into the car and it works really good for a car straightener...its really small and cute too...i got it online from a href="" rel="nofollow"

14 x 10 base for concrete?

Hi ya, i have a 14 x 10 base that needs filling with concrete as i am doing it myself so i need a rough idea how much aggregate i need an cement and what mixture do i put this in as also i have some broken paving slabs in the bottom.looking for about six inches deep as its only for my green house to go need as much info as possible please. cheers

What would you do in this situation?

Sorry I know this is really not about TTC, but I didn't get alot of answers in the other sections. Well I'm having my second child, I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. Me and my babys father are no longer together, but we were together when I got pregnant with my first child. He is with another girl that he has older kids with and he has being seeing me behind her back. Well now I got pregnant, and he wants me to abort the baby to avoid her leaving him and kicking him out of her house. He has 5 kids by 4 different women including me and this baby would be # 6 for him. He can't get a house in his name cause he has bad credit from getting evicted from an apartment he lived in, so the girl he lives with is basically his crutch. He says that if I have this baby, he will have to leave the state and go stay where his family is cause after she kicks him out he wouldn't have anywhere to go. What's so said is that he's in his 30's and dealing with stuff like this. I want to keep the baby but don't want him to leave the state and for me to be left alone with 2 kids and no dad around to help although he said he would help even though he'd have to move. So what should I do? Abort, or keep the baby? And please don't suggest adoption cause once I see the baby I wouldn't be able to give him/her away.

Why didn't I make cheerleading?

Okay so This year for tryouts the dance was extremely easy. the qiirls that made it all messed up and I know because they came out mad. I know that I didn't mess up and I did awesome facials. Oh yea also ppl have told me that the first 2 black ppl that tryout are the ones that make it and I think that this is true bcos the 2 that made it can't cheer worth nothing! My jumps are extremely high and I'm always sharp with what I do so can you tell me what you think?

Can my landlord evict me if i have a garden?

Only if he's a b@stard! If it were me, regardless of what the lease said, I'd take it to mean that you are treating his property as your home (albeit temporary) and therefore you are taking good care of it. You can grow almost anything without permanently altering the landscape.

Can i get evicted being part ownwer?

i live in this home my sister was left as power of attorney and wants to evict me. my mothers will was to sell the house and divided between us i have no problem with that. what i want to know is can she have me evicted before the house is sold

What would cause a neighbor's phone to ring when I get an incoming call to my house?

We have cordless phones and lately have been noticing back ground noise when on the phone (landline). Also noticed a strange echo effect sometimes. Then today my husband called home from his cell and when I answered we could both hear someone else's answering machine picking up. We both hung up but my phone continued to say "in use" for several minutes presumably while the other person's answering machine finished going. Then my husband tried calling back and as I answered another person also answered so I told him to please hang up because he was somehow tied into our phone line. It was not a faint background level, he was loud and clear. Do you think this is a phone line problem or something to do with cordless phones? Our internet has also briefly gone out several times today & I wonder the problem is related.

What is something cute your child has said lately?

Today is my son's birthday and I took him to Chick-fil-A since it's the only place with an indoor playground here. I kept asking him to eat his chicken. Well after a while some of the other kids got ice cream and he looked like he wanted some so I figured sure why not, it's his birthday. So I go get him some ice cream, hand it to him and he yells "Chicken!!!!" lol. He's 2 btw.

Tips to evict people from your property?

Go to court and evict for nonpayment. Easy. If you already gave them notice to vacate and they didn't, go to court and get them tossed out.

Roommate will not LEAVE?

I had a falling out with a roommate who basically threatened me. She wont leave although she is NOT on the lease. I gave her the 30 day notice and she agreed which basically means shes living here rent free during that time. and she has a pitbull she is going to bring into my apt and they arent allowed here and that will get me evicted and i cant have that. What can i do to get her out and have my apartment back to myself? I also made a mistake she is an unauthorized tenant not being on the lease and that is a lease violation. Mistake i okow but what can i do and wha are my rights regarding this?

My neighbors constantly complain to the landlord and he wanted to evict us...?

First off, we have section 8, and live in nj. Our neighbors in seperate households that are owned, gang up on us and stick together and are very mean to everyone that rents this home. They recently complained because we rescued a lot of dogs and we recently had this dog we got rid of cause we couldn't handle her, then they complained to the landlord, the landlord came here yelling at us and then he told us he didn't wanna hear our side of the story. We're moving in the fall when our lease is over. But we cannot get a new dog til then because everyone would complain. The landlord sent us a nasty notice saying he'd evict us and that he spoke to section 8, I'm sure we have rights this is ridiculous.

Help! What should I do?

I would go stay with friends or family until a new apartment becomes available in a different building. Good luck!! : /

How can the neighborhood evict the neighbor?

It has been almost 2 months since this woman (around 40) has moved in with her family. Since she has been here there has been loud music daily, loud talking, a shooting on lawn from an out of control party, numerous fights, and threats to the other neighbors because they called the cops. One of my neighbors actually bought a shotgun just to protect himself because he was threatened by her company...The police have been over here numerous times and they act like they don't give a crap. We just want our peaceful, quiet, and cop free neighborhood back...

Whats the diffrence between rent to own and contract for deed?

my " landlady" is trying to evict me. She is giving me 15 days to pay what i have in default or be out . I asked if i was going to get a legal eviction notice. She claims the hand written piece of paper is all she has to give because she claims it is a contract for deed and not a rent to own . however she refuses to give an exact amount of default and refuses to show a title showing the property is in her name . what legal recourses do i have?

Why wont my corded 360 controler go in to my 360?

my old cordless 360 controller went out it just stopped working so i bought this 1 from a pawn shop and it has a cord but their no place to plug it in to on my 360 the controller cord has a circular end to it an theirs nothing to fit it in to on my 360 so whats the deal?

Want to do fishing on the river at Great Yarmouth?

What fish will be in it can you get to it to fish and what baits rigs, or floats and can you get sea fish in their I would perfer ansers from locals cheers

Where can I find a fluffy cordless phone?

I really want like a pink, fluffy phone. They used to sell them at Libby Lu but that got discontinued. So where can I buy a fluffy, cordless phone? Thank you!

How do you file a eviction notice in California?

how do you file a eviction notice in California? I found some free eviction notices online do I have to file those with the courts or can I just fill one out and give it to her? i am subletting and the person who i am trying to evict was never required to pay rent but now she just won't leave after she has been told to move and had ample time to move.

How do I unlock my cordless B&D drill?

I already found the answer here from 11 months ago, but it's not working. I twist the sleeve to the pic of the drill, I put the drill in reverse, I hold the end of the drill and press the trigger. Nothing. I've used this drill many times and its never locked on me. It WONT budge. All I wanna do is stick a bit in and drill some holes, but it won't unlock :( Please help me. I've been trying for 24 hours off and on.

My new landlord said we need to pay for out mail keys?

Don't know where you stand legally, but he should have sorted the locks out before you moved in, he should not be expecting you to pay for his past tenants behaviour.

Rate these lyrics please?

Really good, but you repeated girl a lot in the second paragraph or verse, and also it sorta lost meaning in that one to, the rhymes where a bit off but the rest is real nice

Do you want or insist that I recycle?

We need to be responsible enough for our surroundings that we shouldn't need to be told what to do. We need to realize that our current waste land filling method is going to threaten our water supplies and compete with precious farm lands we need to grow food. We need to understand that the resources we take from the ground are finite and difficult to acquire. We need to comprehend how much of our precious water and energy is used to process and refine the raw materials to produce the goods we use. The costs of not recycling are far higher.

Got a new mouse, having some problems. Please help?

I got a new logitech mx 1100 cordless mouse, its nice and all of the specialized buttons work. The problem I'm having is that it seems to be more sensitive when I am closer to the edge of my monitor (In other words the pointer moves slower near the center of my screen than it does near the edges) This is throwing me off a little bit because I keep missing buttons and clicking the wrong spots because i never know how far to move my mouse. I have a widescreen monitor and I think that this may be the problem, however I am not sure. Please tell me f there is a way to calibrate the mouse or enable some kind of widescreen acceleration option. I have already installed the included software (setpoint) and have found nothing but fancy hotkey settings and useless options. Let me know if you have had this problem and have done anything to fix it, im starting to miss my old cord mouse already.

I have a laptop and it is running on windows xp but i have a sprint 4g/WiMAX usb hooked into my laptop in?

order to have the internet my friend said i could hook up my ps3 to it cordless or with cord and i could play online i was wondering if that is true thanks for the time to read this because i really need to go online and play im missing out

Transformers Dark Of The Moon - L.A Noire?

Hi, I would like to know where I can get the best Trade-in Price For Transformers: Dark Of The Moon XBOX 360 and where I Can buy L.A Noire - XBOX 360 The Cheapest Cheers. No eBay

Sanding Attachments that will fit a Dremel?

Your links don't work, but if you are talking about the sanding BANDS, I use the 1/2 in./13.0 mm bands. I believe the bit number is 407, and the band number is 408. I have the same one, just a slightly older model, but I think they all fit the same. I've been using this for years and years on my Dobermans. Before this one I had a corded Oster, and like this cordless one much, much better. You will be using the #2 speed. The #1 speed just doesn't have enough power to do the thicker nails.

I have brought a new shower & the sparky is wiring it tonight & has asked me to get behind the tiles! Help!?

you do not fit any type of junction box into a wall can you get to it for maintenance? ..but most important ..if he is not nic reg then he cannot do it ..and i doubt if he is or he will know you must fit the appropriate size cable directly back to consumer unit ..and fit a mcb should all so get a certificate afterwards a builder ..would never ever connect to an old black rubber cable should all so check if your earthing system is up to scratch

Is A DECT Cordless phone worth it or can I live with a 5.8 GHz?

For the 'average' user, I find DECT just hype.!! Keep the 5.8 Ghz. phone... I tried a DECT phone and returned it.. It had no more range than any other of ny cordless phones, (even though it has a lower frequency), They run around 1.9 Ghz., but a cordless phone has a maximum output of 100 mw. (1 tenth of a watt), and surrounding objects like wires, metal, walls, paint, can all reduce the range. Placement can have a large effect on your range.. I have gone from just two rooms away to several houses away, depending on base placement. Best range of course is line of sight with no obstacles.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Daughters roommate moved out and left daughter without paying her part on rent/electricity/water?

they moved in and it was a fight from the start every time a bill came due. The roommate never had the money. This was always what she would say and then go spend spend spend on clothes and out to dinner. She became mean and told lies to others about my daughter to make herself look good. after 3 months she moved out without daughter knowing she was, leaving her with all the rent/electricity and water bills plus took all kinds of stuff that didn't belong to her like DVD payer, dining table. wal stuff. She also destroyed the apt doing it. pictures torn apart and thrown around, rooms trashed, walls have huge holes where she pulled things off. but to make matters worse, she is now harassing my daughter along with one of her friends. Trashing my daughters name on facebook and texts. This girl has lied so much to try and hide what she has done. She says she will pay nothing and her and her friend says such ugly things about my daughter. My question is in alabama can this be cause for harassment charges. I asked her and her friend to stop and act mature and they started on me also. I don;t think they will stop with out being made to do top the cake..This roommate works with my daughter also and has said terrible things about daughter to other workers and the workers have come to my daughter and told her about them. This bussiness is a headstart and roommate has messaged through facebook also to a parent of a child there and told her bad lies about daughter. The boss was told and did nothing about it. This has to stop..Any advise. Daughter is so stressed out and working 2 jobs day and night now to pay her rent and elect so that she will not be evicted.

Moving boyfriend out?

I let my boyfriend move in again, 1 month ago, he is not working, and I found out he is cheating with the same girl as before, bringing her into my apartment while I am at work. He also is back using drugs and his best friend is also coming over also using drugs. He refuses to move out, I've asked him, he says evict me. Unfortunately he has stolen from me before, so if I go with the courts I am sure he will steal stuff while I am at work. Because it is a civil matter the police can do little to help. I am moving out on the 3rd and have a new apartment lined up and will have the police present while I move. I do not plan to tell him until the movers arrive, all he has is his personal belongings. Does anyone see any problem doing it this way. Or any suggestions.

Did Jason Bukuya get injured during the game?

Yes, unfortunately Jayson got injured early in the first half. He was in my DT aswell! Hopefully he is not out for too long.

What Time is it? party time? Breakfast time?

I asked this before but this weird avatar called ME stupid :,( I am now sad. Please say funny answers! Whoever cheers me up gets 10 POINTS!!! 

How to kick him out!!?

My boyfriend and I are done. I want him out my house but he won't budge. He tells me I have to go to court to evict him. But I only rent the apartment myself, so is this even right??

What frequency does the Answercall CT 100 operates?

I need to know if I can take a cordless Answercall CT 100 phone to Cuba. They have an specific band operation, so if you could help me out, I have looked online and I can't seem to find the info and specifications for this cordless phone. the band that operates in Cuba must me between 40 - 49 mhz, from 2,4 Ghz y and 5 Ghz. I have no idea about this things. Please help!!!!

Can I sue my Landlord for this?

Are you saying you've been there 2 years or was that somewhere else,either way just move the hell out.What are you waiting for.

How do i rid my sims 3 of all of its glitches?

My sims 3 has been acting up latley, sometimes when my people come back from vacation they dont load and they never come home, and you cant click on their squares. Another is, when they go to bed, like 10 second later they are on the other side of the room, bed made, still sleepy. My people don't get any sleep, its ridiculous. And also, its been freezing up a lot. Please help, all i want to do is play my game without having to evict people, send them back, copy them to my library and so on. Thanks.

Do the factory batteries last longer than if I we're to buy a aftermarket battery on a cordless home phone?

My roomie and I are debating on that, I said yes and she says no. She also says that I should go buy a new cordless set which the ones I have are just fine and are only two yrs old

I had a new GE 25932 5.8 GHz Cordless. Doesn't know how to access the voicemail?

Users manual doesn't explain how to access the voicemail. And the dispaly screen is hard to read it is blurr. Can any of you please tell me how to operate the damn phone :(

My cordless phone starts charging for no reason.?

Even if I don't use my cordless phone, and it's been in the charging station for hours, it will all of a sudden start charging for no reason. There also was no power failure. Does anyone know why this keeps happening?

Can a manager discuss other tenants evictions to other tenants?

I stay in California and am in the middle of a move due to helping my very ill mother during hospice right now and I found out from a neighbor that the on site manager is discussing to another tenant saying or I should just say spreading Rumors about us getting evicted and the money that is owed. Do they have the rights to do this? I feel I have bigger things to worry about right now but I feel it is so very unprofessional on the part of them. Do I have any rights in this matter?

Problems with Tesco Arc110 cordless phone, help?

So I have had Tesco ARC110 cordless phone for over a year, yesterday morning at around 8am the phone started ringing. It woke me up, and I tried to answer. The screen was faded because the battery was low. I put it on charge, and the phone started ringing every 10mins but I was unable to answer. I put it down to the battery and I went back to sleep. I left it on charge for hours and tried to make a call last night but when I press the main button it just beeps and won't let me dial out or answer any calls. I have tried taking the batteries out and switching it off at the plug but it wont work. I don't have the manual anymore and I don't know what to do.

How to evict tenants not paying rent in central NY state (cortland)?

Before I buy this small motel property in central NY state i would appreciate someone's help .I want to know this motel has some Monthly tenants and some do not pay any rent from long time and they create disturbance to good tenants how can i evict them from this property if i decide to buy it, the current owner said there is no lease document or no security deposit taken from them, please advise.

What to do when you miss someone so much it hurts?

ive known this guy for a few years, and he for sure likes me, and ive never really known how much i like him til this year. i got to know him pretty well and i fell in love with him. heres the strange part.. somehow, idk how, but i can tell how hes feeling, and ive never ever been able to do that with any other guy i really liked. btw he can also sometimes tell how i feel too, which is even weirder lol.. anyways on the last day of school i was really sad and he could definetly tell, and he tried cheering me up but it just made me think about how much ill miss him. and i have been very busy this summer, but i still miss him so much.. so much that it hurts, and that i need to see him. right now. im not able to contact him though, so idk what to do..

Should I sneak my dog in?

I have a 9 year old chihuahua Gizmo. We found a house to rent and everything is perfect except one pets...I don't know what I was thinking I was going to do or maybe I just thought he'd be easier to re-home but now I'm extremely sad that I have to give him away. I'm trying to convince my husband that I want to keep him and we can sneak him in the house. They have to give you at least 24 hours notice before the property manager would visit so we could hide all his stuff and be gone for the day or whatever. Anyway he's not liking it and doesn't want to risk breaking lease and getting evicted...what do you think I should do?

My panasonic cordless phone wont let me call?

My home phone model KX-TGA542M. I saw it on my coffee table and the message screen is totally blank. If I press any button at all, it would stay blank- no noise nor will the buttons light up. I also can't call anyone with it. Can someone tell me what happened to my phone? Please and thank you!

I have a Logitech Freedom 2.4 cordless joystick, can i use it on xbox 360?

when i put the reciever in my xbox 360, the light turns green. when i put batteries in the joystick it the light turns red, the turns green. after a few seconds it just turns off. Whats wrong? can it be used on xbox 360?

How long does a cordless lawn mower usually run before it needs recharging?

A full charge should allow you to mow an entire lawn of average size. The average American lawn is about one-fifth of an acre and many electric lawn mower batteries will hold a charge long enough to mow up to a half acre. Log on

Where to get a pizazz metallic sports bra?

I am a cheerleader. I am extremely small. I need a 30A bra. sad right? I need a sports bra for cheer I have none. I have 3 training bras and 3 cup bras. I have absolutely no sports bras. I would like to get one of the metallic sports bras. They are soooo cute! There is only one prob. I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO GET ONE! I cant get one on the internet.

Phone calls nobody there?

It could be a telemarketer. Lots of them have automated systems that dial number after number. If nobody answers after a certain number of rings it goes onto the next number. If someone does answer, then it clicks and alerts the telemarketer that someone answered the phone. Lots of times the telemarketer isn't prepared for this to happen, so they take awhile to click in and start talking to you. That might be what is happening to you, I'd almost bet on it. I wouldn't bother with the caller ID option for that reason. Just hang up if you hear a click.

An elderly that I had been helping out for a year gave me a gift.?

Me and my husband and family have been helping her out for about a year when she gave the gift. This has continued for about 3 yrs after the gift. I do all of her shopping. Take her to her appts. Set up her pills for her in a weekly pill box. Also we have bought her a microwave, stainless steel toaster, desk phone with 3 cordless extension phones so she could have aphone in every room. I also purchased her cell phone and paid for the service for one year. My husband installed new kitchen faucet, bath faucet and shower head. He paid for these himself. Recently we had a falling out with this lady. She had become more demanding of our time and I started taking a step back and decided that I couldnt take care of her anymore. I also work full time and have 4 children. I told her that I needed to scale back on some responsibilities because it was overwhelming. She was very mad and we stopped talking 2 months ago. Recently a police detective contacted me and said that this elderly woman claimed I had coerced her to give me the money 3 yrs ago. This was a completed lie. She is just hurt and wants the money back after everything I had done for her. Im worried because I dont want to be prosecuted for taking advantage of the elderly as this deteective insinuated. What should I do. Bye the way ..the gift was 14,000. I was completely surprised when she gave it to us and she insisted that it would help her out with her taxes and she gave it to us the last week in december 3 yrs ago. What should I do?

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.

Know anyone that will rent to me?

i was evicted a little while ago and now nobody will rent to me... Does anyone know of a place that will rent to me even with evictions in louisville ky? or any other suggestions you have for me... thanks

I got married & want to add my spouse to the lease, but he has criminal record.?

In my apartment complex, it says they don't except tenants with felonies, misdemeaners, etc. I moved in alone, but now I am married and need to add him to my lease. Will they evict me after they run his record even if I have been here for 2 years?

Wii remote erratic please help?

the wii remote is turned on and connected to the console and I have re-synched and it is all synched up. the hand appear erractically on the screen for a split second that goes again. The room is dark, there is no light shinning throught, no cordless phones or keyboards that could interrupt the signal.please help!

Will my order get to me?

So i was just on and i ordered the "Emjoi Soft Caress Gold Cordless Rechargeable Epilator" ive heard it is amazing.! i got the idea from my friend who told me about it and i saw plenty of amazing reviews on it on youtube. so i went and i ordered it. when i was done ordering it i got the email with my order information. well, i realized i misspelled my city.! for security reasons, what i basically did was type in ciyt instead of city. soo....well my order still be sent to me if i have the correct zip code and i only switched two letters around? i really hope it does get to me cuz i payed 76 dollars for it.! help? :)

How powerful of a cordless drill do I need to hang a TV?

I just need to drill into some wall studs to hang my tv and am looking for the cheapest possible drill to get it done. How powerful do I need the drill to be? Is a cheap 7.2v Ryobi good enough?

How do you help a drug addict?

You say that he's been forgiven. That's fine. I think, then, that to supply him drugs would be an excellent means of helping him. I'm sure that he'd be very grateful. I know that I sure would be. Good luck! ;-)

Evicted tenant wishes to visit friends?

I was evicted from an apartment in NYS. My friends wish me to visit. The landlord came up threatened me, my baby, and my wife. The cops said we were evicted from apartment only, not the property. What exact law is in NYS concerning this. I know it was harassment and have press charges, but I need a copy of the law that says we are allowed to visit. Please don't respond with quick answers.

How to kick him out!!?

My boyfriend and I are done. I want him out my house but he won't budge. He tells me I have to go to court to evict him. But I only rent the apartment myself, so is this even right??

Do i legally have to let him take my kids he wont tell me where they live?

File for a modification of custody. Don't try to modify the custody by refusing to turn over the kids.

How can you clean a cordless phone without damaging/breaking it?

First unplug the base unit so that you don't have to worry about hitting any buttons on the cordless. Then use a cloth that has been soaked in a cleaning solution (i.e. Mr. Clean) and water; wring the cloth out well and then carefully rub all of the surfaces of the cordless. For those hard to get at places use a dry Q-Tip underneath the cloth & rub gently.

Hey Guys, I was wondering can anyone give me any advice on how to save near enough to five grand before March?

Im trying to save for Australia and right now I'm dirt broke. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

Can anyone recommend a good cordless handheld duster/vacuum cleaner?

i used to have a dirt buster, it was great but it was the turbo one not the ordinary one. very powerful. i think it was made by black & decker. dont know if they still make them.

What is a roller splitter? I am having my first electrical job and they asked for one of this.?

I guess you should read more about job description for job of such a type here -

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it bad for cats to be kept outside all of the time?

My cat was originally dumped in my yard along with her kittens who i re homed. We really bonded and I have kept her despite the fact that i m a student with a very low income,renting in share houses and it can be very difficult to find cat friendly houses! Unfortunately we have been evicted due to our house being sold, and i have been desperately looking for a place for me and kitty but with no luck! With only two weeks to go i have been offered a sublet at a friends house but she has a new baby and will not allow my cat inside the house. I m really running out of options so i have to consider this. There is a big backyard but i m still worried about it as she has been an indoor/outdoor kitty up until now and i will really miss cuddling up with her. In terms of whats best for her i m wondering, should i be looking to re home her if i cant find any option for housing other than this? how bad is it for cats to be outdoors all the time?

Can a landlord evict you if you get a hearing assctance dog when they have a no pet policy ?

i have a hearing disability along with learning disability im Living in a section 8 housing program that has a no pet policy . recently my doctor suggested i get a hearing as stance dog to help me hear every day sounds like my baby crying or the door bell when my hearing aids are not in my ear . currently im a single mother so if my son gets hurt in the middle of the night and i cant hear him im in trouble . same as a fire alarm . i have asked my land lord and she says if i get the dog that i need to find another place to live she also will not allow me to make my home handicap accessible . is it legal ? what will the American disability act cover ?

Is there anyway to use a SIM card with a cordless home telephone?

I added another line to my ATT account to get an early upgrade while tweaking my plan so it virtually cost me nothing. Now I have an extra SIM card and mobile number and was wondering is there any technique or actual telephone that runs off a SIM card? I figured I could use the extra number as a home telephone but don't know what equipment would use it rather than a cell phone. Any ideas?

Landlord's tenants harassment & California laws-HELP!!!?

nope - lost cause and even worse - you need to get out of there quickly - before something really bad happens - to you - also the only thing you can do is small claims court - but that wont get you nowhere either - next time screen the roomates before leaving a deposit - and try to find a share rental with 4 or less people

Panasonic cordless; I can hear people speak but they cannot hear me...?

I am able to dial out and receive phone calls. I hear the other end clearly. However, the other person cannot hear me. Is it my phone that is causing the problem or is it my service provider that I need to contact?

Whats this song???? please help?

ok there's this song from this dvd called "too extreme for tv" by the magazine "loaded". it had jackass and dirty sanchez on it And the song i want is where bam margera is skateboarding and jumping from a balcony in to a crowd. i think some of the lyrics are "ill take my time and take it over" i dont know about the second bit sorry but if anyone could help CHEERS!

A question about electrical input and output?

It probably works but it could be making the charger run hot or could be overcharging the battery. Just spend a few bucks on the right one. Something like......a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this extortion please help?

My fiance and I are late on our rent, my landlord has agreed to wait until the 27th to receive the rent. Last week my landlord showed up and asked if we would remove a fallen tree from another property to work off some of the rent. My fiance and I agreed to look at it as this is NOT our line of work. After going by the home we realized this job was next to impossible unless it was done by a pro. We advised the landlord and the threats began. I have texts where he stated "if you do not do the work by Monday I will evict you""where are your children going to sleep""I am not playing games you will do the work or get out""No go do the work NOW or you will be out""nothing to talk about anymore" I am a Criminal Justice student and this seems to be extortion to me. I am just not sure what steps to take at this point.

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club last night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

I need advice about something, please read?

Well I'm having my second child, I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. Me and my babys father are no longer together, but we were together when I got pregnant with my first child. He is with another girl that he has older kids with and he has being seeing me behind her back. Well now I got pregnant, and he wants me to abort the baby to avoid her leaving him and kicking him out of her house. He has 5 kids by 4 different women including me and this baby would be # 6 for him. He can't get a house in his name cause he has bad credit from getting evicted from an apartment he lived in, so the girl he lives with is basically his crutch. He says that if I have this baby, he will have to leave the state and go stay where his family is cause after she kicks him out he wouldn't have anywhere to go. What's so said is that he's in his 30's and dealing with stuff like this. I want to keep the baby but don't want him to leave the state and for me to be left alone with 2 kids and no dad around to help although he said he would help even though he'd have to move. So what should I do? Abort, or keep the baby? And please don't suggest adoption cause once I see the baby I wouldn't be able to give him/her away.

Can a owner of a house evict another owner?

a will left by mother to sell home and be divided 4 ways to 4 siblings one left with power of attorney. can that person evict a sibling out of the house before the house is sold

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????

Can I get a loan while on social assistance, if so, where?!?

I really need to come up with $345 to pay off the rest of my rent which is due tomorrow and I never have a late payment. I'm in a really crappy situation right now. I'm on Ontario Works and normally get about $945 a month from them which is enough to cover my rent and have $200 to spend on anything else like groceries and diapers, etc. Anyway, I went back to work last month for only a month because I had to leave due to lack of funds for quality child care. Because of going back to work, Ontario works only gave me $400 and everything that I made from work had to go to groceries and child care so I had nothing left. I'm only 18 with little to no credit so I know it's hard to get a loan with all these circumstances but there has to be a way. If you know of any options please let me know, I don't need to be evicted before I can pay off the rent because that would be horrible. I normally pay my rent right on time and anything else right on time so after this slip up I could easily pay back the loan. Any advice would be great, thanks!

If my landlord sends me an eviction notice to get out in 30 days. Do I still pay rent until I move out?

Okay so my landlord sent me an eviction notice. She wanted me to get out in 30 days. I am still not out but she would have to bring it to court to legally evict me. Correct? Am I required to still pay her rent until I leave? Also instead of her evicting us through the courts she decided to get an order of protection against me so I have to get out, Is that illegal to do that? For her to get a restraining order to force me out instead of just going to court to evict me? She was making a restraining order for harrassment. I am not the one who did the harrasing though. she is.


I'm 3 months pregnant and basically homeless. My mom totally turned me away. So NO help there! My dad is trying to help me but his b*!%$ wife hates me and don't want me to live in there house. I have NO friends to ask for help. I go sneak in my hubbys parents house. They know our situation and instead of helping us they decided to evict (in a month) him too! He's goin to Chef school in the morning and daytime BUT he has 4 more months to go. He don't have a job yet. I can't work cuz I'm a big girl my doc has me on bedrest I feel helpless! In a month he will be homeless to! WHAT DO WE DO?? Here in San antonio texas jobs are hard to comeby. My baby is a gift from God and I will not regret him or her ever! We are willing to do whatever for our child. WHERE DO WE STAY WHAT SHOULD WE DO?? motels are a lot and shelters have lice plus diseases like TB. PLEASE NO MEAN OR STUPID ANSWERS! AND YES I WILL KEEP MY BABY!!!

Un Neutred Male cat gone missing 2 days ago.?

He is an indoor/outdoor cat and gets let out in the morning then usually comes home at night. However he did not come home one night. I have checked with my neighbours if they had seen him and the neighbour said he saw him chasing a female cat (in season) but apart from that no luck. Is there a chance he could be wondering for a mate? He usually stays in the neighborhood but could he venture farther and longer for a female? Please only serious answers, or educated ones would be best. Cheers

I have one telephone line coming in. in the house, i have 3 phones running off that one line. sometimes,?

when we get an incoming call, all three phones will ring. the one in the kitchen is an old touch tone, the one in the living room is a double cordless (2 handsets), the one in the bedroom is also an old touch tone. but sometimes, the ones in the living room ring once, then they say "line in use". when i pick up the one in the kitchen, i will get a busy signal. then i will disconnect the line from the cordless, wait a few, then plug it back in, then the dial tone comes back. sorry this is so long....

In the process of getting evicted can i get a new apartment before it is finished?

I in the process of getting evicted I want to move into a new apartment can i get a new apartment without bringing up the eviction how can i get around it

What are the things I should look for in a cordless drill?

I want to get a cordless drill/driver to use in the field, so I want it to be reliable and not too expensive, what parameters I should take in consideration?

My ex is telling me he will never stop taking me to court to get the kids?

Ouragon could not have said it better. please be careful and reach out for help in a professional environment. i wish you and the kids the best.

Can the council evict me for children noise?

Hi, I recieved a letter from the council it says " I have recieved several complaints regarding the unreasonably loud noise coming from your property at all hours of the day and night. and any more complaints then i will have no option than to serve you with a notice to end tenancy which could result in your losing your home" this is the first I have heard of any noise, no one has come to be at all to speak with me (if i am making noise) no neighbours or council nothing has been said about an investigation. the only noise I can think that would be " unreasonable " is my children. i have a 4 year old and a 3 year old and am on the first floor, have neighbours either side and down below. I have no idea who could of complained, I know one side usually knocks my door and tells me whats wrong and I never do it again to prevent further problems. the other side I dont speak to but I see, they have several kids in their property so I think they would understand especially considering they are the ones blaring music at this time lol. the person below me works nights i know, it could be him, but I don't see why I should have to stop my kids playing? to be honest these buildings are old, you can't fart loud without the neighbours hearing it! its really getting to me now, My kids play and I am now finding myself telling them to shut up in fear something further will happen, it breaks my heart and brings me tears that my little boy sung quietly " i;m not even allowed to play" I don't want to be this sort of parent just because someone can't handle kids or works night shifts, I do not go out much at the mo as I am expecting another due 14th december, this is another thing I can't puzzle out, it says noise all night too, but we are all sleeping?? I mean wtf, it's like someone has made up a false complaint for whatever reason? o.O sorry for long message I'm just so stressed out about this letter!

What is HR and HHR mean on a battery?

i am replacing my cordless phone batterys and one says HHR-65AABU and the one i want to replace it with says HR-03. what do these mean and will it effect anything?

How do you maximise your publications to print right to the edge of the paper on publisher ?

im trying to print a birthday card i made on microsoft publisher and even though in the publication i made it perfectly to the edges of and a4 landscape page when i go to print it theres a 3 inch border of blank space around it and i want it fully a4, its so stupid and ive been on advanced settings and set it to borderless so its suppose to print right to the edge but publisher still thinks its got a boarder please help :) cheers

I have issues... i think i'm crazy?

Nope. You're a typical confused, troubled, dramatic teenage girl. Don't worry, it wont last forever... you'll find yourself eventually and things wont seem as bad as they do right now. Hang in there 'til then...

Can you be evicted when...?

Your land lord quote says 'Putting up with section 8 has become too stressful.' Now there is a circumstance and it is that our house did not pass a standard inspection and it was due to a non grounded outlet in our home. Now we must have our landlord fix that and we want to know that if we can legally be evicted due to this circumstance of our landlord not wanting to put up with section 8, or fix the outlet.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mortal Kombat won't get out of the "start screen"...?

Ok, so i have the last mk game for ps3 and it won't effing start. it worked fine yesterday and all, but now i just put it in, and when it says press start, i press MOTHEREFFING start! then, the little circular thingy with the dragon appears on the right corner of the screen, starts rotating (as it is when something's loading) and then it just freezes. just like that. i can still hear the continuous "crowd" cheer, it's just the image that's frozen. i will kill someone if i dont play mk today, please. help this bored little girl... *hyper, ultra cute face* btw, the disk is not in the least scratched. i cleaned it like three or four times and it's THE CLEANEST IT WILL GET.

How are called those telephones that let you know who called you?

I have a cordless telephone but it does not show who calls me when it rings. I have seen some telephones that display someones name on its little screen when someones call, and I was wondering how is this feature called? So I can buy one of those telephones, and also is that feature free? or do my telephone company charge me for that?

Does anyone know if a US cordless phone can be used in China? assuming voltage is taken care of?

get the correct charger and make sure your phone is an UNLOCKED phone that way u can change it to a chinese sim card and get service there

Which would you rather receive as a wedding gift?

I am tore between getting a gift for my friend. A cordless telephone and high quality bedsheets. I saw she already has bedsheets (she selected two kinds) but no one purchased a phone yet. What would you rather receive as a gift and what should I get?

Korean population in Sweden?

What is the Korean population in Sweden (excluding adoptees)? I'd appreciate any other input regarding the Korean community in Stockholm and Gothenburg. Cheers.

Logitech cordless mouse keeps sticking/freezing?

This has been going on pretty much all day. It'll work fine for a couple of minutes, but then it'll freeze for minutes at a time, or when I click on something, the cursor will stick to it and drag it. I recently changed the batteries but that didn't do anything. I also restarted my computer, but that didn't help either. I don't have any viruses and my computer can't find anything wrong with it. Please help me, it's really irritating!

MR2 exhaust advice needed?

My girlfriend has an mr2 spyder 2001 model and i know she wants a new exhaust and i wanna suprise her for her birthday. She wants one that is just a single pipe that comes out in the middle of the car, and looks a bit like an exhaust of a porche boxster. Anyone know what this exhaust is and where i can get one. By the way i live in Australia. cheers

I have a digital picture frame that you need to plug into an outlet. is there a way to make it cordless?

No. Anything that is cordless needs to have an internal battery. This would mean the photo frame would need to be chunkier to accommodate the battery

If a neighbor is bitten by a dog while entering your house without permission,?

can the landlord tell you to get rid of the dog or he will evict you? There is nothing stated about any pet rules. The neighbor is trying to sue but the hearing is not for a few more weeks to even determine if the dog is to be considered dangerous. The upstairs neighbor has a dog from the same litter as this one and he isnt being forced to give it up. The neighbor opened the door and walked in to the apartment knowing there is a big dog inside...and then complained when the dog bit her.

Can Someone Please Help me With Some Information about Section 8 or Rental Assistance?

I have 2 children ages 2 and 3 years old. I was evicted out if my apartment last week and is currently staying in my car. i wanted to know if theres anyone that can help us now or will be just be added on the waiting list just a little curious about it. Im scared to take myt family to a shelter.

How good is the Toro E-cycler cordless mower?

I am thinking of getting the Toro cordless mower and worried about how it cuts thick grass. My yard has thick grass and it has a lot of moisture. I am curious how dose this mower do by it being cordless? Also if not this mower how about the Toro gas mowers like the ones with the pace self propelled systems with either electric start or blade brakes? thank you

What feelings does this Carnival poem convey to you? and how can it be improved?

It conveys the big mess that has been created due to people who refuse to communicate unless they use poetry to do so...

If your roomate evicts you can he hold your personal property?

No a roommate cannot hold your personal belongings, call the police to get your things back. You will need to prove the things belong to you. Best Wishes.

If I'm getting a physical exam in a week, should i stop drinking?

I go out and drink (alcohol) sometimes but if I need to get a physical for cheer should i stop? Can the doctor tell i've been drinking?

Is there anyway to use a SIM card with a cordless home telephone?

I have an extra SIM card and mobile number that I don't use. I was wondering if there was anyway I could use it with a cordless telephone or any type of home phone. I don't want to have to buy a land line and just wanted to see if theres a way I could actually use my extra mobile number (that I have to get around upgrade fees). Any ideas?

Are battery powered lawn mowers just as powerful as plug in electric lawn mowers?

I am interested in buying a battery powered lawn mower but I'm not sure if they are as powerful as the electric lawn mowers that you need to have plugged in. And what brand would you recommend for either one, a electric or battery (cordless) lawn mower?

I haven't paid rent increases in past but I wasn't asked to do so though it is in lease. What should I do?

I have been renting for 3 years and have always paid the rent. But I never got any notices of rent increases nor any communication whatsoever from the landlord (though the lease does state when and how much the rent increases should have taken effect during the past 3 years). Now my question is should I bring attention to the landlord of my past omissions or error in not paying the rent increases over the years and make amends or can I ignore it since he hadn't asked for the increases? And if I ignore the lease and he realizes this, does he have grounds to evict me? Is not taking the initiative myself and paying the rent increases a breach of the lease agreement?

Am I taking good care of my betta fish?

I love my betta fish! He is a male and is beatiful and cheers me up all the time! Everytime I come to see him he will swim around like craz and flap his gills and try and talk to my by opening his mouth i giggle my nose on his tank and he does the same thing! Today i was watching some videos about how Walmart is so cruel to the bettas and that made me question whther im taking good care of my fish or not. First of all he is always down or up in kis aquarium and doesnt move alot but if i come closer or if he seems me coming then he gets crazy and happy!! Second i put some seashells on his tank and usually it gets moldy and green but 2 days after i clean it and he is fine! And im worried his space is too small he has room to swim lots of it! But its not like a huge tank and the lady at the petstore told me not to get a huge tank because bettas dont like it so he has alot of green and colourfull decorations just not a huge tank! Oh and i dont want him to starve to everyday i feed him either 3 or 2 bettabites am i taking good care of him? If not tell me how I can because i love him soo much!<3

Has anyone had a "Uniden " cordless phone ( model WDSS 5335+1), with answering machine- Is it OK?

i do not care for uniden or vtech... i usually only recommend panasonic to people as they have the best quality..

Would it be rude to buy a vacuum for my work?

i own a shop if some employees got together and spent their own money I wouldn't care, as long as my vacuum didn't get tossed

Sud I wear a black and gold hoodie with jeans and eat chewing gum during the set! Help PLZ?!?

i say Black And Red cause those are the street colors wear black jeans/skinny jeans and a thight red color shirt with a black nd red cap on

Christian parenting: What should I do about my daughter, seriously?

Have you not thought that it should be her choice not yours, she sounds intelligent which tells me she probably does not believe what she is told in church and that's why she does not want to go.

New to this need real advise people who experienced my drama with thurrock council?

my mother died in 2003 myself and my brother lived their for 16 years my mother was 45 died breast cancer at that time my brother was 21 and i was 25. 6 mths after mums deaths i left my home as i had looked after my mum and cld not deal with being in the home i asked council to rehouse me we all worked so help was really limited i was told i wld go on waiting list. my brother continued to live in his home of 16 years and would have his 2 children 2-3 times per week. 18mths after my brother had paid from his account full council rent and council tax was told he was evicted on underoccupying the home. 6 years on he is still homeless bronze band? they then took my father who had divorced my mum and had bought new council home with his partner 1991 to court for charges related to our home for flooring furniture they went on 1988 tenancy when parents were together and our father know does not spk at all to us. he is blacklisted my brother and i homeless and feel so let down by what is right from wrong and how corrupt council is xx pls if u had simular problem share with me

Meet a girl on holiday?

How can I meet a girl on holiday? I'm going with my parents and the place i'm going to stay doesn't have anything like a youth club. Being shy, overweight (working on it) and not very confident, it would be great (but unlikely, I know) if I could get them to come over to me etc. Please help. Cheers :)

Help! Landlord issues, now evictment?

He is trying to evict you as a method of self defense. Basically, he is well aware he is wrong and wants to try to discourage you from filing a lawsuit against him. You should contact a lawyer and get them to send a letter offering not to sue him so long as he releases you from the lease and returns all deposits. If he does not agree: sue, sue, sue

Can my landlord evict me after i repair and deduct?

I used repair and deduct after my sewer was coming up in my carport since dec they had pumped it once but as soon as you pump it is full 3 days later it is gray water from the kitchen and shower .so we pump it all the time and only charged them once last month and yesterday I told the property management about it again to get it on record and today the owner came by and gave us a thirty day notice he said he was going to redo the roof which they have not fixed since we have lived here it leaks in our bedroom made numerous reports of that in the four years we have lived here the property managemant told me she had called the owner about the sewer and he said the house was getting uninhabitable and the wiring is not up to code can he rent a house were the wiring is not up to code (never been late on the rent in four years)

Resistance bands .........?

im 15 and looking to know if i could get prettybuilt and especially work on my traps abs and pecs would this be possible with a resistance band and what would the workout consist of .... cheers wil

My mp3 is USB cordless. Help!?

So I lost the USB cord for my mp3 and I don't want to have to buy another mp3. What do you guys recommend I do?

My cordless phone won't connect to the outside world?

when i press the on buttom on the phone and all i heard is beeping sound and the text screen 'not connected" all over it.

Can the landlord evict us in the first two weeks we payed her first month rent and deposit and application?

She said we haven't evev signed the contract but she let us move in the next day after we filled the application

What is HR and HHR mean on a battery?

i am replacing my cordless phone batterys and one says HHR-65AABU and the one i want to replace it with says HR-03. what do these mean and will it effect anything?

What are some good "feel good" and "cheer up" sort of songs?

My friend is currently very ill and bed ridden and I want to make her a little get well package including a mix cd. I'd like to put some nice feel good and cheer up songs. I'd prefer some classics, older songs as she is not really familiar with a lot of American or modern music. Thank you :)

What is HR and HHR mean on a battery?

i am replacing my cordless phone batterys and one says HHR-65AABU and the one i want to replace it with says HR-03. what do these mean and will it effect anything?

Where can I transfer a resident or patient with no payor source to?

she owes us 120,000 dollars, and she is medicaid pending, i don't think she will get it because she's been transferring funds to friends, and won't gives us her room and board. How can i evict her, she has to go to another snf by law, so where can she go because she can't still here or i will lose my job because i can't get no money out of her, she gets 2500 each month, bedridden

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is changing my computers graphics card simple?

Assuming you have a compatible slot, yes it is easy. Follow the instructions in the manual and you'll be fine.

My cordless mouse isn't working :(?

The batteries are freshly charged, and it stopped working yesterday. Even though I move it and click, the screen mouse doesn't work. The light is on, though.

Help on finding a Voip IP phone?

while cordless VoIP phones do exist, mostly WiFi versions, they are extremely cost prohibitive, and most people do not use them.. most people who want a cordless phone, or for residential VoIP customers, they generally get an ATA such as a linksys PAP2T or SPA 2102 then connect a standard telephone into this box...

Non-refrigerated healthy snacks?

I am going to cheer camp for four days, and where we are staying there is no refrigeration. We will be cheering non stop, and need snacks to keep Our energy up. What are some great healthy snacks that I could take with me to eat? I have no refrigeration keep in mind.. Thanks :)

Why did people cheered for hogan at wrestlemania?


How to make my toe-touch higher?

Use ankle weights you won't be very high when you use them at first, but if you use them for a while and then do a toe touch without and they should be higher! Other wise just do flexibility stretches. One that works really well is to lay on the floor and putt your butt to the wall, then put your legs on the wall and let gravity pull them down. Good Luck!

1 How can you redirect your analogue phone to send the call to wireless lan so it works like a...?

If you want to be able to get your regular (analog/land line) phone calls on your iPhone, you want to set up call forwarding on your analog line. That way anyone who calls the analog line gets put straight through to your iPhone without you having to give them the number. You'll still be able to make calls both on the analog line and on the iPhone as usual.

Torn rotator cuff?? Other things?

So about 5 weeks ago I fell at gymnastics on my right shoulder, and through out the weeks ive had cheer, and gymnastics and day by day my shoulder has been getting worse. Today now when im doing nothing it hurts and when i move it or put weight on it by picking something up or pushing my body up i get sharp main going through it. So what should I do I have a comp. in about 25 days and its really important still not sure what to do..?? any help

How to make a WiFi antenna?

the ones in the "source" sections are all different ways you can make an antenna!...i really hope this helps you :)

What is the jail sentence for assault in washington state?

i had my boyfriend arrested and he is charged with 2nd degree aggravated assault im just trying to find out how long he is going to be in jail. im getting a lot of different answers, he has a prior felony that happened 20 years ago. i cant find answers i either getting 3 to 9 months, a couple years, not more than 10 years, then 25 to life i really need an answer i want to drop the charges but they said it is up to the state and i cant do nothing about it. and also we had an apartment together my name is on the lease and when this happened he got evicted so since my name is on the lease do i have legal right to keep his stuff? all im trying to do is pack it and store it. am i allowed to do that. or does all his belongings go to the trash. he also has a car. please help me....... i am currently staying at my dads house and i dont have a key to get in.

Is it legal for a landlord to do this?...?

My family and I rent a home. Our landlord comes over almost every weekend to do "maintenance". The problem is, they get here and maybe put up a few boards and that's all they do in about 9 to 10 hours. They argue and scream and it's very disturbing. If I go out in the back, she comes over and runs her boyfriend down to me and talks about things that I feel are none of my business. He drinks a 12 pack or more of beer and I don't like that...we don't drink. We have expressed our concerns about things that need to be done inside the home but she says she forgets. She came in and did an inspection and went through our pantry, fridge, closets...made me angry. She even changed the temperature on the central heat and air. We have had plumbing problems for a LONG time and she won't have it repaired properly. Yeah, she keeps promising. The night my mom died, we asked her to not come over the next day. She called me the next day screaming at me because I asked her to not come over. The very next day, when we were getting ready for church, she showed up and told us we could leave but we had to leave the house unlocked. Sadly, I just went to church alone and my husband stayed home. She got here that day about 8 am and didn't leave until around 9 pm. I'd like to know if there is something I can do or say to her that won't cause her to evict us. We can't afford anything else but she needs to know her place and stop invading our space every weekend. They use our water and electricity and will not reimburse us for it. Also, she has her radio blaring. Hopefully there is an attorney out there that will see this and help us.