Monday, August 8, 2011

Can the council evict me for children noise?

Hi, I recieved a letter from the council it says " I have recieved several complaints regarding the unreasonably loud noise coming from your property at all hours of the day and night. and any more complaints then i will have no option than to serve you with a notice to end tenancy which could result in your losing your home" this is the first I have heard of any noise, no one has come to be at all to speak with me (if i am making noise) no neighbours or council nothing has been said about an investigation. the only noise I can think that would be " unreasonable " is my children. i have a 4 year old and a 3 year old and am on the first floor, have neighbours either side and down below. I have no idea who could of complained, I know one side usually knocks my door and tells me whats wrong and I never do it again to prevent further problems. the other side I dont speak to but I see, they have several kids in their property so I think they would understand especially considering they are the ones blaring music at this time lol. the person below me works nights i know, it could be him, but I don't see why I should have to stop my kids playing? to be honest these buildings are old, you can't fart loud without the neighbours hearing it! its really getting to me now, My kids play and I am now finding myself telling them to shut up in fear something further will happen, it breaks my heart and brings me tears that my little boy sung quietly " i;m not even allowed to play" I don't want to be this sort of parent just because someone can't handle kids or works night shifts, I do not go out much at the mo as I am expecting another due 14th december, this is another thing I can't puzzle out, it says noise all night too, but we are all sleeping?? I mean wtf, it's like someone has made up a false complaint for whatever reason? o.O sorry for long message I'm just so stressed out about this letter!

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