Friday, August 12, 2011

An elderly lady I was helping out gave me a gift of money 3 yrs ago. We had been friends for a year prior.?

Me and my husband and family have been helping her out for about a year when she gave the gift. This has continued for about 3 yrs after the gift. I do all of her shopping. Take her to her appts. Set up her pills for her in a weekly pill box. Also we have bought her a microwave, stainless steel toaster, desk phone with 3 cordless extension phones so she could have aphone in every room. I also purchased her cell phone and paid for the service for one year. My husband installed new kitchen faucet, bath faucet and shower head. He paid for these himself. Recently we had a falling out with this lady. She had become more demanding of our time and I started taking a step back and decided that I couldnt take care of her anymore. I also work full time and have 4 children. I told her that I needed to scale back on some responsibilities because it was overwhelming. She was very mad and we stopped talking 2 months ago. Recently a police detective contacted me and said that this elderly woman claimed I had coerced her to give me the money 3 yrs ago. This was a completed lie. She is just hurt and wants the money back after everything I had done for her. Im worried because I dont want to be prosecuted for taking advantage of the elderly as this deteective insinuated. What should I do. Bye the way ..the gift was 14,000. I was completely surprised when she gave it to us and she insisted that it would help her out with her taxes and she gave it to us the last week in december 3 yrs ago. What should I do?

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