Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sims 3 Pregnancy Loop Glitch?

So I was playing my game, completely unbothered by any factor, until my sim started giving birth to her 4th child. She was sent to the hospital and stayed in there until the pop up asking me to name my child and choose my traits popped up. Once I had done that, I noticed she was outside of the hospital, no baby in hand, still wearing her maternity clothes, starting to walk inside the hospital all over again. The loop was exactly the same. I kept getting a boy who was given the party animal trait. I looked online for fixes and found that if I reseted her using the resetSim cheat, switched active households and used a sim from that family to go check on the pregnant glitched sim, she would have a baby in her hands, fixing the problem and allowing me to play that house again. So I did that, but when I went to go check on the glitched sim, she was still in her maternity clothes "giving birth". So it didn't work. :/ I went to check on the house and low and behold there are enough babies on the lot to start an army. ALL boys with the party animal trait! So I deleted them all and ended up deleting the glitched sim or else there would be even more babies. I then wanted to get her back so I tried evicting the family and moving them back into a home, which I heard would fix THAT problem. Here's where the second problem comes in. I purchased them a home but nothing happend... I tried moving them in again but nothing happend when I clicked on the icon of a house. So since they were on the clipboard and I wanted to reset the game, I tried saving the family to the family bin before I did. So once I started my game up again I looked in the sim bin and they were nowhere to be found. The game never actually saved my family AT ALL! So my favorite family which I had been playing forever were completely erased! I went to another house to play and the woman there was... having a baby... Sort of. It was and even worse case than the one before. She stood there, unable to move, with the "give birth" interaction icon in the top left hand corner appearing and disappearing within 3 seconds. I had all the expansions except for Ambisions installed, which I later installed in hopes that it might clean everything up (it didn't). I then used Delphy's dashboard to remove any custom conent which might have messed up the game. Only one corrupt file which I deleted, and many conflicted ones which I disabled just in case. I ran the game again but my new main family with the prgeggo lady, but she was still stuck doing the same thing. Also, her daughter tried applying for the stylist profession but as soon as she was about to talk to the owner, the game glitched and the action was cancelled, and she was instantly moved outside the store. I also have installed Twallan's Story progression mod awhile ago, but then I installed the Moar interactions and it seemd to screw the story progression mod up causing all the notifications to be errors. I only mention that because I think it might have something to do with the glitches. Thanks for taking your time to read my long explaination... It's very much apprecated, and so is any help you can give me!

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