Saturday, August 6, 2011

What Ever Happened to Tenant Rights?

Why does it seems like every year the change the law to take more rights away from tenants and give more power to landlords. I'm living in apartment where the Pool is broken and has No water, the place is filled with roaches, Parts of the stove dont work and some of the electrical outlets are broken. I cant afford to fix this stuff myself and i cant afford to just leave and find a new apartment like that, moving is a big expense. I asked the landlord to fix all this but they refuse saying they dont have the money and i'm inclined to beleave that because hardly anyone is renting apartments in the complex, theres only about 5 others beside myself and we are surrounded by empty apartments. I'm planning to refuse payment until they can fix everything or afford a new place but they said there just going to evict me if i dont pay. If i refuse to pay over these issues why is it they can still evict me? Reading the law in california it seems like landlords can get away with this, Is there anything i can do?

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