Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How do we change a stupid law?

Today the squatters in my Mobile Home lied to the cops by saying they have never gotten an eviction paper from me. One delivered by the County cops, two hand delivered by my son and one I mailed to them. So now I have to take her to court to legally evict them. The stupid law protects terrible people like this family that take advantage of unsuspecting people who try to help out. There has to be a better way to get people out of my trailer. I think this law that says a friend can come stay with you for a week sleeping on the couch or even the floor. After one week that person is actually, legally a tenant and has every right in the home as the guys who pays the bills. Any suggestions on who to write to or e mail or call. And guess what, I end up with having to pay all her utility bills because she is on SSD and I am not allowed to sue her. Bills are already nearly 700 dollars and she could be there several more months depending how fast the Judge will be. Thanks.

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